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You Fulfilled All Your Promises

posted by Nothingislost @ Sunday, 29 November 2020

During your charity work you fulfilled the promises that you made to help people even though you feel like you may have let people down, there is no question here. How you think people must have thought about you in those times is not what they were thinking as they too were fulfilling promises they made to you and the people around you.

Butterfly Rainbow - Shutterstock When you were out where you needed to be and people helped by letting you and the people around you know when you should play it safe and leave while conditions beyond your immediate control were being acted out, these people were fulfilling their promise. It wasn't the case of it getting too hot and, in the process, letting people down by leaving when you could have been the most help - you, and the people with whom you worked with, had no promises that needed fulfilling.

Rainbow - Shutterstock Nothing just kicks off at random and the people involved are meant to be involved because it is a condition to help understand love. That you left during those times in the building tension is because you were not meant to be involved and that is why you were helped to leave. You had no promises to fulfill; none of you failed to fulfil a promise by leaving.