Why do people listen to their ego?
# Of Many Masks
There is nothing right and nothing wrong with listening to the ego, it simply is. However, what the ego says and thinks will always be false because that is how it is intended to be. You see, it is the perfect tool for the perfect job of understanding love. As God you have one true identity - you are God, you are love, you are the truth . This is all that exists because everything is God, everything is you. But, as God, you can do anything you want to help understand the love you are. This is where the self, your ego, is used; you can think whatever you want and identify as anything you want through the ego. What is written here points to what is happening to help us recall an aspect of our being.
Through wearing the ego, you choose to forget your true identity - you choose to forget you are love. When you forget
you're love you lose any anchoring to the only truth and the cosmos becomes something completely different... in
your thoughts, in your words. The truth never changes, God continues to happen, it is simply in how you are
choosing to think. Through the ego, what you choose to think are empty thoughts; they are illusion.
# Talking About the Weather
It's all happening at the level of thought. As you are thinking along, you are often making choices and understanding things that are beyond your immediate awareness or ability to understand. What you can do is reason about the thoughts. You see, God is love and will only speak the truth. If you have spoken something that is not of the truth then you must necessarily be wearing the self in order to say that. For example, "You are love" is not just of the truth, it is the truth, so saying this you are acting in love. If I think "the weather is crap today", I am thinking complete gobbldegook - the weather is perfect because it is God. As God I know and can understand the weather as perfect because it is an aspect of me ,though I may not choose to immediately see this. I must necessarily have to be thinking through the ego to think the weather is crap. The weather is a condition of the entire cosmos understanding love, because all is God and the cosmos is a condition of God, then through the weather being crap the entire cosmos is crap, God is crap - you are crap. It's everything or nothing because your thoughts and the thoughts of God are one and the same.
But you're God, you didn't accidently wear the ego, you actively chose to think through the ego about the weather being crap in a very precise way. You're making a meaningless identification. It's meaningless, in love, because there is no intrinsic meaning to the thought "the weather is crap", because the weather is God. If you say the weather is the glory of God then that is an identification aligned with the truth of God.
Obviously if you're thinking the weather is crap, you're not enjoying the weather. That is an important distinction, it is the difference between everything and nothing. The weather is God happening but that doesn't mean that you
have to enjoy the condition of the weather. You're talking about your being - you can enjoy a condition or not enjoy
a condition. You're not judging the condition, you're understanding an aspect of your being.
You can continue being joy because you are joy but you may or may not enjoy a condition. The condition doesn't stop you from being joy, but you are understanding that within that condition you do not find joy. The condition is perfect in your thoughts, you are acting through love. No one really enjoys being short on money and it's fine not to enjoy being short of money - it is what the condition is there for.
You're short on money necessarily to understand an aspect of love. Further, you're short on money because you choose to be. This isn't saying you should have spent less on whatever, or save more, this is saying that you - God - chose to enter a condition where money was short to help understand the love you are. Its is absolutely your choice, you cannot judge it as bad because the idea of God being the cosmos, making the stars shine, but making this poor decision is meaningless. But it isn't enjoyable, and it isn't meant to be.
# A Hopeless God
Of course, we're going to judge it. We're going to sit there, choose to forget we're love, and start saying all sorts of bollocks about life being shitty. And it's fine to do it, you're God you're making a perfect decision. Those thoughts have no meaning though - you're thinking of a condition as something external to you; it's not. The condition is God, as are you. You're judging the condition to be shitty, when it was your choice to enter it, to help understand love. So you're looking at the condition through the ego.
The ego cannot understand that what is happening is God. It is incapable because through the ego you have chosen to forget you're love and so chosen to forget everything that can be understood. In this deep confusion, through the self, we see life as something other than God happening. We will think of absolutely anything except truth through the ego. The thoughts are illusion because it is God happening, nothing else, and the reason for a condition is for you to understand love. There is no other reason because that is all there is to understand.
# The Cosmic Dream
Yes, it's not enjoyable but life isn't meant to be always enjoyable. The only thing that is happening in life is understanding love, and that is the cosmos. In love, we aren't looking for happiness or avoiding sadness - these are completely empty identities born of the ego, as are all emotions. What we're seeking is understanding what it is to be love. Love isn't caring for people, being kind, being generous, it isn't a cultural image of what it is to be a loving person - love can absolutely seem hardcore at times. Love is acting in the truth of your being, because you are love. It is acting in the truth of God, because you are God. The way of love is the cosmic condition, the process of understanding what it is to be love in every aspect of that condition.
That means the way of love has no time for establishing a peace; an abstract concept with no meaning. what it does have time for is understanding love through conditions that appear as peace and war. It's not creating peace or war, what seems as peace and war are necessary and chosen conditions for something else: understanding love. And by 'it', I mean you are necessarily choosing conditions that appear as peace and war as an aspect of the cosmic condition... because you're God and you've dreamt all of this up to help you understand love, your being, because that is all there is.
# False Identities
So in the process of understanding love, you have dreamt up the tool that is the ego. When you are thinking thoughts that are not of love, then you must necessarily be wearing the ego, because God would never think illusionary thoughts... because God is the truth, the thoughts of God are truth they cannot be illusion... they just can't. This isn't a fiendish system with rules, this is love. This is how you're doing it, all the time, because you are God.
So we can put on the self, the ego, and think of or identify with all sorts of bollocks that have no intrinsic meaning. You cannot understand the thoughts because they are not born of love but emptiness; there is nothing to understand in them because love is all there is to understand. Their entire purpose is to be illusion, nothing more. Their purpose is served through being illusion.
In thinking in illusion you are not thinking as God but as the ego. The thoughts of God in illusion are not the thoughts of God, because God cannot think in illusion, and since you are God they cannot be your thoughts, they are the thoughts of someone else. They are the thoughts of the ego, God having chosen to forget God is love. The thoughts of the ego are absolute evil, it doesn't matter how seemingly insignificant they are, they are all born of emptiness because they are God having forgotten the truth, that God is love.
But these thoughts are simply the effect of God using the ego to help understand love. These thoughts are made with precise intention. Remember, there is nothing to be understood in the content of the thoughts - they are illusion - but there is something to be understood in the condition in which they are necessary; that you are God understanding an aspect of love. The thoughts of the ego simply serve to help you remember you're love in the given condition. They help by you finding no love, none of you, in the content of the thoughts.
# Judge Not
So you can definitely sit there putting on your ego and thinking and believing all sorts of wonderful gobbledegook. But we are talking about God here - you are not constrained by rules of a system, you just are and act in whatever way you dream up as necessary to help understand love, understand your being. The process is perfect, and happens perfectly, because you are perfect.
This means that while pretty much any identity that is not your true identity - you are love - but a false identity or a false concept is completely empty... you're still God and can do whatever you want. You can choose to bring meaning to emptiness. This means, to help understand love, you bring meaning to aspects of life that would otherwise be empty; you fill them with love. In acting through these identities you act in love, just as you would were you identifying with the true identity... because you choose for this particular identity to be aligned with the truth of God.
No one can simply judge another aspect of God as acting through the ego. It's a big no-no. Well, you can, cos you're God but in making such a horrendous assumption you must necessarily be wearing the ego... because you have already chosen for this to be impenetrable without guidance. There are few conditions that I have come across where it was necessary for me to be guided in understanding that the person is choosing to act through the ego. And I am guided in love, through the heart, as necessary for that particular condition, otherwise I cannot judge.
The actions people take, the thoughts and words they speak, those can often be judged in an immediate way as ego. This is completely different from judgeing the person. In love, you cannot judge the person by their actions, you can only judge their actions. And you can only judge them in the truth - are they actions of God or are they of the ego.
I'll give an example. Music and sound are aligned with the love that I am. I am in the process of refining my music, I study digital signal processing theory, I have a sound system that would hold its own in a club and I study theory around that; I'm figuring out how to make a speaker driver, building tools like a vacuum former in the process because I find joy in it.
It's all sound and related to sound and it's all evil and abstract... except that I choose to act in love in the process. I love it, truely, and in doing so I remember I am love. I am simply understanding love by what it is, and the necessary aspect of this condition - what I necessarily have to do to to help understand love - is through sound and music, the identities are through sound and theory around sound.
But no one can immediately understand this without guidance. If you were to look at my actions they are of the self, they are ego, because there is no truth in them. The analysis of sound and sound (re)production is completely abstract and meaningless because its analysing conditions as if there was something other than God happening. Anyone can judge it as actions not of God. But, for me, I remember I am love and that is the only thing to remember. I am not really doing the-sound-thing, I am understanding love that appears as doing the-sound-thing, as I expect it to.
It doesn't mean much of anything to anyone else, the aligned identity is largely irrelevent to most other aspects of God. I can make music that is aligned with me, aligned with the love that I am, but other aspects of God may or may not enjoy it; the alignment with me doesn't mean that everyone must find joy in the music. However I do and I find joy in making it.
But through this, you cannot judge another aspect of god as choosing to think through the ego, cos you can't immediately tell simply from their actions.
# Fiendish Masks
However, for understanding love, in a condition where God has chosen to wear the self and identify completely with something that is not aligned, that is empty, then the identity will be fiendish. It doesn't matter what the identity is.
You could identify with a nurse. "A Nurse" means nothing in love, it is an abstract concept. The actions of God helping another aspect of God do mean something in love. To identify with being a nurse where, for you, the identification is meaningless will mean you are God having chosen to identify with nothing. It is fiendish and you can only act through the ego in this identity.
You may help aspects of God, because God happens regardless of your thoughts and identities and this is something you promised to do on each condition, for all immediately involved to understand love, but you understand nothing of love in the process, just emptiness. The ego has no peers, it structures God into superior or inferior. It will judge God from its throne while understanding nothing of God. It will even come up with all sorts of bollocks about the ego establishing more spectrums in its framework of concepts to describe what it cannot understand... but is incapable of understanding that it cannot understand.
It is impenetrable confusion, an empty illusion that - given the seeming absence of truth within the condition of the ego - has no way of understanding it as illusion. There is no "frame of reference" in the illusion to help understand it as such, so it appears to have meaning while it is meaningless. It is the perfect illusion because it is God in illusion.
# So why?
Why do people listen to the ego? Because they are God choosing to think in illusion to help them understand what it is to be love, by the illusion of forgetting they are love. That's all it is. And from that is born grumbling at the weather to all out war - it is the same illusion necessarily used in different conditions.